15 Greatest Spider-Man Movie Moments

1. 'You Have A Train to Catch...' - Spider-Man 2 (2004)

For a series of films packed with so many stand-out moments, what made the number one spot on this list was a tough choice; The Amazing Spider-Man's Lizard fight scene on the Williamsburg Bridge, Doc Ock's tragic death in Spider-Man 2, Emo Peter's street dancing in Spider-Man 3... just kidding. However, of all of those great Spidey moments there was one very special scene which raised its hand (or six). That's right, its Spider-Man vs Doctor Octopus on a speeding train across New York. Simply everything comes together in this scene. Fantastic direction, a sweeping, grandiose musical score - even a great super-villain quip. Not to mention the top notch effects which helped Spider-Man 2 receive the webhead's sole Academy Award for Best Visual Effects. The whole thing is a superb set piece and a supreme example of how to mount an action sequence. The jeopardy of the scene is keenly felt and the situation properly tests our hero, who even collapses at the end of the ordeal due to exhaustion. The scene also makes great use of the two enemies and their respective powers; Doc Ock's super-strong mechanical limbs and Spider-Man's super-agility. They are perfectly matched opponents and here Doctor Octopus comes closer to beating Spider-Man - at least in the sense that Spidey nearly fails to save a train full of passengers and incapacitates himself in the effort - than any other villain. Not only the greatest fight scene in a Spider-Man film, its arguably the best in any superhero film, certainly one of them. For highlighting the heart of Spider-Man as a character - that despite being an essentially normal guy gifted with special powers, he is a true hero, doing all he can to save others - and being a terrific piece of film-making, this scene can legitimately be crowned the most amazing Spider-Man movie moment. Here's hoping for many more in the The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and beyond. Do you think these choices have all been spun from the truth? Or is this whole article just a giant web of lies? Don't be a zero, be a hero and leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

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