15 Guilty Pleasure Horror Films To Watch This Halloween

9. Virtuosity (1995)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBWwfiVL1kk Here€™s the pitch: Russell Crowe (Best Actor, Gladiator) is Sid 6.7, a €œNanotech synthetic organism€, which in layman terminology means he€™s a composite of Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson, Jack The Ripper, John Wayne Gacy and, for all we know, Dick Chaney and Donald Rumsfeld. You see, he€™s part of a training simulation for LA€™s finest, but unbeknownst to cop Denzel Washington (Best Actor, Training Day), one of Sid€™s personalities is the psycho that butchered his family. So when Crowe escapes from virtual reality it€™s one long cat-and-mouse game, but how do you tackle an opponent who€™s impervious to bullets, doesn€™t bleed and if tested could probably leap buildings in a single bound? Think Demolition Man with the ethnicity of the leads reversed, some VR tossed in plus Louise Fletcher (Best Actress, One Flew Over The Cuckoo€™s Nest) as an ineffectual official and you€™re almost there. There€™s shades of The Hitcher and Die Hard as Denzel is set up for something he didn€™t do, gets fired fired upon by a police helicopter and takes a very John McClane-ish rooftop plunge, then as if to prove originality is not this film€™s strongest suit, it ends with Washington racing to defuse a bomb.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'