15 Highest Grossing Movies Of The Decade: Ranked Worst To Best

12. Transformers: Age Of Extinction

Worldwide Box Office: $1.104 billion

All-Time Ranking: #15

2010s Ranking: #12

Age Of Extinction has the honour of being the least awful of Michael Bay's unanimously awful Transformers series. And as with Dark Of The Moon, that is nothing approaching praise. Every problem that dogged the original three films - egregious product placement, suffocating action, embarrassingly unsubtle patriotism - all remain and any claims of an altered approach from the filmmakers are revealed to be lies.

In fact, there's a lot of things that are worse than what came before. Bay's perving hits a new low with the trotting out of the Romeo & Juliet clause to justify underage sex, the obsession with rewriting human history to be the result of robots in disguise reaches the extinction of the dinosaurs and there's a careless nastiness that runs through the film; Mark Wahlberg's character brutishly puts down an innocent bystander after crashing a spaceship on his car. The single redeeming factor is Stanley Tucci, who embraces the stupidity of it all because he's Stanely Tucci.

But Transformers is now critic-proof. You can waste thousands of words systematically breaking down everything awful about them and people would still turn out in droves. Fingers crossed the slight drop in box office from Dark Of The Moon is a sign of things to come though.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.