15 Horror Films That Prove Hollywood Hates You

14. Book Of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

prom night 2008
Artisan Entertainment

Purporting to be a fictionalized re-enactment of events leading up to Witch One, Witch Two foregoes slavish imitation in favour of doing everything on a grander scale with snappier pacing and more special effects, telling the “story” of five idiots in a van who go into the woods to tell Heather Donahue jokes and mock the first film.

Pretty soon, they’re seeing ghosts and having weird dreams/hallucinations that cause them to act in ways that make Donahue’s Razzie-winning performance look subtle. “Karma” and “bitch”, anyone?

So desperate were the filmmakers to throw a story together quickly that they even stooped to ripping off the father of Scientology himself, L Ron Hubbard, whose novel Fear ends the same way the movie does - with the 'revelation' that the main characters committed a murder they don't remember. Throw in a gratuitous-nudity loving Wiccan, a ghost that can make people talk backwards (or something) plus a bunch of unintentionally hilarious redneck caricatures, and you've got one of the more insulting pictures ever to grace multiplexes. 

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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'