15 Images That Will Restore Your Faith In Upcoming Movies

5. Michael Keaton Lets It All Hang Out - Birdman

Why We're Worried: It would be ridiculous to argue against Alejandro González Iñárritu's stature as a talented filmmaker, though his movies have been a little hit and miss. After Amores Perros and 21 Grams wowed us, Babel and Biutiful both proved to be decent if overly-ambitious efforts that didn't quite measure up to their promise. As a result we're a little apprehensive about his Michael Keaton-starring Birdman, which revolves around a washed up superhero actor mounting an effort to resurrect his career. It's certainly an interesting idea, but will Iñárritu once again put the cart before the horse? Why This Image Rocks: How exactly does an image of Michael Keaton walking around in his underpants turn us around on Birdman? For starters, it suggests that Iñárritu won't get too bogged down in the crushing self-seriousness and near-total lack of levity that plagues many of his movies, and secondly, it makes it clear that Keaton is completely throwing caution to wind and immersing himself in what could very well be his most memorable performance in years and years. We all love it when an actor emerges from the embers and totally goes for broke, and even if Iñárritu doesn't quite nail it, we're hopeful seeing Keaton firing on all cylinders for the first time in a long while will be enough to win us over.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.