15 Images That Will Restore Your Faith In Upcoming Movies

7. Mel. Freaking. Gibson. - The Expendables 3

Why We're Worried: The Expendables 3 is going to be rated PG-13. Despite the first two movies making massive profits even with an R-rating, apparently that wasn't enough for Lionsgate, who are neutering the franchise in order to maximise their profits, even if the gratuitous gore was a huge part of what made the first two movies so much fun. Will we still enjoy seeing so many awesome action heroes teamed together? Absolutely, but damnit, it's not an Expendables movie if someone doesn't get graphically blown in half with a comically oversized gun... Why This Image Rocks: A new trailer for the movie just dropped the other day, and there's one visual that stood out above all else: Mel Gibson's villain Conrad Stonebanks sitting in a chopper, pointing a machine gun at Sylvester Stallone's Barney Ross. Gibson may have had a rocky personal life over the last few years, but he's turned in consistently solid performances nevertheless, and was especially amusing as the wildly over-the-top villain in last year's Machete Kills. Seeing Gibson back in the action arena playing a (hopefully hammy) bad guy gives us hope that, even though the movie won't be as gratuitously violent, the legendary actor might make our cinema ticket worth the money, especially after Jean-Claude Van Damme was mostly wasted in the last movie.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.