15 Incredible Films Based On Real-Life Tragedies

6. United 93

Hotel Rwanda
Universal Pictures

Based On: 9/11 and the hijacking of United 93, which was the only one of the four planes not to hit its target.

The first film based on the September 11 Attacks was not warmly greeted before its release. The general feeling was 'Too soon'. However, United 93 is not only a great, worthy drama, but it's also a sensitive retelling that never feels disrespectful.

A documentary-like, mostly real-time re-enactment of the doomed flight, United 93 places viewers right in the middle of the September 11 Attacks and, aside from misrepresenting a single passenger, depicts everything with strong historical accuracy and detail. This approach was a creative masterstroke, since it not only allows the film to convey the devastation of the attacks but this decision to record events in an observational style ensures it never becomes manipulative or exploitative.

United 93, of course, is an incredibly upsetting film you'll never want to watch again, but nevertheless it's also a poignant tribute to the heroism of those on-board United 93, who no doubt saved many lives through their actions.

Tasteful, grounded, yet devastatingly emotional, United 93 is easily the best 9/11 film to date.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.