15 Insanely Awesome 2018 Movie One Liners

13. "I Am Kind Of A Loser, Like You" - Venom

Venom Neck

Venom wasn't a great movie and in fact played host (heh) to some pretty horrendous one-liners, namely that unforgivable "turd in the wind" gag.

But the chemistry between Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) and the symbiote (also Tom Hardy) was ultimately the highlight, and their back-and-forth banter was good for at least a few laughs.

The best line in the movie occurs when Venom explains to Eddie that he's starting to like Earth and plans to stick around for a while. He tells Eddie, "I have decided to stay. On my planet I am kind of a loser, like you. But here, we could be more."

There's something subversive about taking this iconic comic book monster and reinventing him as an emotionally unstable teenager with clear self-esteem issues. These two losers deciding to hang together is almost, dare we say, sweet?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.