15 Insanely Awesome 2018 Movie One Liners

10. "3-For-1? How Can That Be Profitable For Frito Lay?" - Game Night

Game Night Jesse Plemons
Warner Bros.

Jesse Plemons gave ynquestionably one of the funniest performances of the year as Max (Jason Bateman) and Annie's (Rachel McAdams) sad sack neighbour Gary.

The already pronounced cringe is dialled up to thermonuclear levels when he catches the pair unloading a car full of snacks for their game night, which he isn't invited to.

Max and Annie claim they're having a quiet night in, but Gary notices they've got three giant bags of Tostitos Scoops between them, causing Max to claim that the store had a 3-for-1 offer. Gary's hysterical response? "3-for-1? How can that be profitable for Frito Lay?"

Thanks to scenes like this, Plemons' deliciously awkward, deadpan delivery is Game Night's easy highlight.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.