15 Laziest Movie Sequels Of All Time

1. The Hangover Part II (2011)

Warner Bros.

The Hangover became one of the biggest sleeper-hits in recent memory when it held incredibly well during the summer of 2009 to become the highest-grossing R-rated comedy in history with a worldwide total of $467.5m, making the follow-up a mere formality. Comedy sequels are arguably the hardest to get right, so instead of trying anything different director Todd Phillips took the easy way out and essentially remade the same movie, except it was nowhere near as funny.

Shamelessly rehashing the formula of the original, once again the Wolfpack wake up after a bachelor party with no idea of what happened the night before. The situations are almost the same, many of the jokes are retreads, and once again Justin Bartha's Doug is sidelined for the majority of the movie. Even Bryan Callen returns as a character with a different name, but much the same personality as the one he played in the original, while Mike Tyson pops up for a cameo for no reason apart from the fact that he had a role in the first movie.

Despite substituting Las Vegas for Bangkok and essentially releasing the same movie all over again, The Hangover Part II was an even bigger hit and earned $586.7m at the box office to become the highest-grossing comedy of all time. They say imitation is the sincerest for of flattery, but basically remaking your own movie that was only two years old smacks of self-indulgence more than anything else.

Which films' sequels did you think were the laziest you've ever seen? Let us know in the comments!


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