Pulp Fiction, The Shawshank Redemption and Forrest Gump are twenty years old, Diana died seventeen years ago and twenty-three years ago, Luton Town were in the first division of English football. The nineties was a loveable decade that can be looked back on fondly and cinema's contribution to the era is as influential as any; impressively, 44 of IMDB's Top 250 have a nineties date attached to them and 12 of them are in the Top 30. In a follow-up to last year's article, "15 Massively Underrated Movies From The 2000's" (which you can read here), this article goes on to explore the murky depths of nineties cinema and the underrated films that got left behind at the end of the last millennium. Like in the foregoing article, the definition of underrated is tricky to define. For continuity purposes, the same criteria has been used to distinguish 'underrated' films from every other release from that decade. As such Oscar nominations for Best Picture or extensive placement on year-end top ten lists are not include, as well as titles that could not place too highly on IMDB, generally avoiding any found on the Top 250 list. Some films featured on this list are well-regarded, but have been robbed of achieving 'classic' status or faded from memory over time. Others received at best critical apathy or even aversion that have since proven to have been 'ahead of their time', and others were simply - tragically - overlooked. All are excellent films in their own right and worthy of being checked out after reading the article. As always, opinions and other suggestions are welcomed in the comment section below. Here are 15 massively underrated movies from the 1990's.