15 Massively Underrated Movies From The 90s

10. The Full Monty

Whilst The Full Monty's merits as a successful comedy have never been disputed (in 2000, readers of Total Film Magazine voted it the 49th best comedy of all time), its role as an insightful and bold social commentary is often overlooked. The film follows six out-of-work men in Sheffield who decide to form a male strip-tease group in the style of 'Chippendale dancers' - only these men promise to go 'the full monty' and strip right down to nothing. The flesh on show is more Coronation Street than Magic Mike but when it comes to the final showdown you'll not mind a bit; six unremarkable men grinding onto their cowboy hats is an image hard to forget. In its lighthearted approach, The Full Monty deals with serious themes of unemployment, depression, homosexuality, obesity, father's rights and suicide. Such is the film's approach, that it makes it one of the most engaging and approachable social-commentaries on the UK working class in the modern era. As previously mentioned, it's not the 'comedy' aspect of Full Monty that's underrated; it's the affecting moments of drama that often get overlooked but are significant enough to raise the film from quirky-but-forgettable comedy to one of the greatest British movies of the 20th century.

Aspiring screenwriter. Avid Gooner. Saving the rest of the self-descriptive stuff for the autobiography.