15 More Dumb Movies Which Are Secretly Smart

7. Free Guy

Shrek Forever After
20th Century Studios

Free Guy really subverted expectations. It looked set to be a critical flop, since the trailers were nothing special and the premise seemed to be incredibly flawed. Stories where the protagonist is a character in a game - and is therefore being controlled by a human player and thus has no real agency of their own - usually flop; just ask Serenity (2019).

Well, Free Guy was ultimately so much better than it looked. It pulled off its risky premise with aplomb - by making the protagonist (Ryan Reynolds) a product of artificial intelligence, meaning that he does have free will and can be active in the story, Free Guy avoided the expected pitfalls.

That's not all. The film is filled with razor-sharp plot twists, unpredictable jokes and well-placed jabs at the entertainment industry, making it a blockbuster that's not only completely delightful, but also one that constantly keeps you guessing, making you think and defying expectations. In the Hollywood of today, a film like that is extremely satisfying.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.