15 Most Annoying Movies Of All-Time

6. Freddy Got Fingered

Watching Freddy Got Fingered, it's hard to see how Tom Green was ever a "thing." For the length of this crude, crass, unbearably unfunny attempt at comedy, Green jerks his way through a variety of utterly ridiculous scenarios in an apparent bid to cement himself as the most irritating person on the planet. It beggars belief that this movie is considered to be something of a cult classic by some, because it's plainly intolerable from start to end. Take the scene, for example, in which Green's brainless character, Gord, stumbles upon an erectile horse and proceeds to grab its penis in his hand and wave it around whilst the theme tune from Deliverance plays on the soundtrack. Or how about the moment that Gorb swings a newborn baby around by its umbilical cord in an attempt to "wake it up," spraying the entire ward in vaginal blood? And then there's all the shouting; so much shouting...
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.