15 Most Annoying Movies Of All-Time

1. Sex And The City 2

It's hard to imagine a movie more annoying in its conceit than Sex and the City 2, a motion picture that exists to thrive on its flippant attitude towards absolutely everything. It is an outright masterclass in genuinely annoying; a relentless, punishing pile of steaming horse manure that is almost dazzling in its ability to grate, grind, break and crush your spirits. For that reason, it is also remains a somewhat curious artefact, because how did anybody wind up making a motion picture this insanely unbearable from start to finish? The story this time sees the girls - that is, Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda - on vacation in Abu Dhabi, a city that they believe to be their own playground - one where local customs are ignored and ridiculed, religious beliefs are frowned upon, and the people are trivialised for the sake of jokes about fashion. The woman are insufferable in their obnoxious apathy to their situation: they scream and cackle, obsessed with themselves. It is one of very few films that you genuinely want to suffocate, as its lead characters - once three-dimensional creations, back when this was just a TV show - cement themselves as four of the most despicable humans to have ever found their way into a motion picture. Like this list? Did you agree or disagree with our picks for the most annoying movies ever made? Got any to add? Let us know all your thoughts in the comments section below.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.