15 Most Annoying Movies Of All-Time

10. The Sweetest Thing

"The Penis Song." If there's a more annoying song in any film ever made, then some kind of congratulations is in order, because wow: how would it be possible to create a song as annoying as that one? The scene in question occurs halfway through the downright non-funny "rom com" that is The Sweetest Thing, as Cameron Diaz and her pals take over a downtown diner and explode into a song with lyrics such as "Your penis is too big." If that's the movie's most embarrassing and cringeworthy moment, there are other monstrosities that come close to taking the prize. Like when Diaz puts her eye into a glory hole in a men's toilet (you can guess what happens). Or when Selma Blair takes a sperm-stained dress to a dry cleaners and a bunch of kids walk in. The Sweetest Thing bombards viewers with a succession of random, joke-less scenes; everything about it will drive you nuts.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.