15 Most Disturbing Sci-Fi Movies

11. God Told Me To

Brazil Alternate Ending
New World Pictures

From the self-styled the king of schlock, Larry Cohen, God Told Me To leads with what is perhaps the most disturbing premise on this list. An epidemic of unprovoked murders, committed by normal people, plagues New York City. The only thing that links them is that when asked for a motive the perpetrators all say the same thing, ‘God told me to’.

From there it all gets weirder and weirder. The police officer investigating ultimately discovers he’s the product of a virgin birth, which occurred after his mother was visited by an alien orb. In due course, he comes across his long lost, also alien, brother, who proposes the brothers mate and populate the world with an alien hybrid species.

It starts distributing, it gets weird, it grows more disturbing. Its religious commentary and imagery really stab at the heart of the conservative Christian status-quo of the time. This is made even more acute by the alien, sexual and incestual places the story goes.

Perhaps through the lens of the twenty-first century, this may all seem a bit silly. In 1976, it was deeply offensive.

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Bowen Revill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.