15 Most Disturbing Sci-Fi Movies

9. Alien

Brazil Alternate Ending

This list would make no sense without Alien. Alien is archetypal horror. An unseen evil lurks in the shadows, ever-present, yet hidden in its haunting malaise. Before long, those things that go bump in the night are banging at the doors. And then you see it! Frozen on the spot, your life will never be the same.

The Nostromo is a haunted house in space. What better place for a haunted house, than space? In an actual house, there’s always the option to leave, in fact, in many cases, all the ghost wants is for the occupants to get out. In the Nostromo, that is never an option. Ripley and co. are thoroughly trapped in there with the alien, who certainly doesn’t want them to get out.

It’s a claustrophobic, shadowy tour-de-terror, which gave us an alien and a hero so iconic that you certainly don’t need to have seen any of the movies to know Ripley and the alien.

Whether you’ve seen Alien or not, go and watch it now. From bone cracking shock horror, to the subtlety of the unseen terror, to the savagery of H.R.Geiger’s dripping xenomorph; you’re in for a treat.

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