15 Most Disturbing Sci-Fi Movies

7. Children Of Men

Brazil Alternate Ending
Universal Pictures

Of all the dystopias out there, this is the least glamorous. There’s something very, very real about the drudgery depicted in the world of Children of Men. In that world, there are no terminators or time travel to break up the monotony. There’s just the bleak fizzling out of humanity. No blaze of glory, nothing to battle against, just a gloomy extinction brought about by total infertility. It’s the depressing dystopia you’d least like to live in.

The protagonist is just a normal guy, whose motivations are financial rather than altruistic, he gets dragged into things and doesn’t really know what to do. When he hurts, you really feel it because this isn’t some ex-marine with superpowers, he’s just a guy who shouldn’t be here.

Throughout Children of Men, there are plenty of references to virgin births, child saviors and biblical quests; but it’s realism, not myth that makes the movie so upsetting. It’s the impression that this is what broken societies are really like and as we witness the depths of people’s nastiness, it’s hard to watch.

At the end of the movie, there is a ray of hope, despite that, the tone here is not one of optimism. The lingering taste it leaves in your mouth has more of a doomed flavour.

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