15 Most Epic Last Stands In Movie History

7. "Hello Boys, I'm Back!" - Independence Day

Randy Quaid Independence Day
20th Century Fox

Probably the most heroic alcoholic in movie history, charming nutjob Russell Casse (Randy Quaid) takes a big one for the human race, when he attempts to fire one last missile into the alien spacecraft, only for the firing mechanism to become jammed.

Seeing no other option, Casse decides to fly directly into the ship's weak point, but not before spouting a few gung-ho one-liners, namely, "Alright you alien a**holes. In the words of my generation, up yours!" and "Hello boys, I'm baaack!"

Casse's suicide attack works perfectly, exploding the saucer and effectively saving the day. Though neither as solemn or brutal as most of the last stands on this list, it's still an extremely satisfying way for humanity to triumph over the aliens.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.