15 Most Highly-Anticipated Blockbuster Movies In History

6. Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

Avengers Infinity War Thanos
Paramount Pictures

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is definitely up there with Spider-Man 3, Avatar and Star Wars: The Last Jedi as movies that the internet really, really hates but despite your opinions on the CGI gophers, fridge-nuking and Shia LaBeouf's Tarzan impression the fact remains; people were absolutely desperate to see it.

The amount of secrecy surrounding the project in the lead-up to its release only made people want to see it more; up until opening day, nobody had a clue what it was about. Fans analyzed Lego tie-ins and set photos looking for any scraps of information they could find, those involved in production had to sign nondisclosure agreements, and five fake titles were registered with the MPAA to throw people off the scent. It was an infuriating, yet incredibly exciting, time to be an Indy fan.

To say the reaction was polarized would be putting it lightly. It may currently hold a surprising Rotten Tomatoes score of 77%, but a vocal portion of fans absolutely hated it and were more than happy to share that sentiment with anyone who would listen. Still, Indy's 19 year absence from the big screen virtually guaranteed that the anticipation levels would result in big profits, cemented by an impressive box office take of $786.6m.


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