15 Most Highly-Anticipated Blockbuster Movies In History

3. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Avengers Infinity War Thanos

Whether JJ Abrams ruined your childhood or brought it roaring back to life in a rush of nostalgic glee, the fact remains that Star Wars: The Force Awakens was the single biggest movie to hit theaters since Avatar, a statement reflected in the insane levels of both hype and cash that Episode VII generated.

There were plenty of naysayers voicing their opinions during the build-up to release, coming out with such zingers as 'the most over-hyped movie Star Wars movie since the last one', 'does JJ stand for Jar Jar?' and of course, 'The Lens Flare Awakens'. However, all of the pre-emptive critics were forced to eat their words once the movie finally hit theaters.

During production each casting announcement, set photo or rumor was pored over and dissected by millions of fans online. The only way to increase fervor in such a fiercely loyal fanbase is to tell them nothing, which is just what Abrams did.

The strategy worked; the first teaser trailer racked up nearly 60 million views on YouTube in less than 24 hours, the second clocked almost 90 million in the same amount of time. People were buying tickets for showings over a month into the movie's theatrical run, it was doing repeat business before it had even opened.

Becoming the first movie in history to earn over $2bn at the box office that wasn't directed by James Cameron and setting well over a hundred box office records in the process, Abrams' continuation of the saga once again reaffirmed Star Wars' place at the forefront of the pop culture pantheon.


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