15 Most Irritating Subplots In The Dark Knight Trilogy

5. The Clean Slate MacGuffin (The Dark Knight Rises)

The Subplot: Selina Kyle initially agrees to steal Bruce Wayne's fingerprints in exchange for a copy of the Clean Slate program, which can be used to erase a person's identity from every database on the planet. Though John Daggett reneges on his promise to Kyle, Bruce gives her the program on a flash drive after returning to Gotham, allowing her to wipe herself off the map in exchange for help securing Gotham. Why It's Irritating: In case you're not aware, the term "MacGuffin" was popularised by Alfred Hitchcock in order to explain an item of some kind that initially appears important in a movie's plot, but ultimately has little bearing in the overall outcome and is typically spoken about in only vague terms. That pretty much defines the Clean Slate tool to the letter: it is largely irrelevant to the central plot beyond a few cursory moments, and given how bloated the movie already is, is completely unnecessary.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.