2. Gotham PD Gets Trapped Underground For 3 Months (The Dark Knight Rises)
The Subplot: Part of Bane's plan involves trapping the overwhelming majority of the Gotham City Police Department underground via a series of controlled explosions. The cops are trapped there for three months before being freed, with Bane and his mercenaries keeping them fed and watered apparently in order to keep them hopeful of rescue before he blows the city to smithereens. The few remaining cops on the outside routinely drop messages through the sewers to keep up a loose line of communication. Why It's Irritating: Because it's so hilariously absurd that such a large number of a city's police force could ever be trapped at one time. Even ignoring that, Bane's painstaking efforts to keep them alive are additionally ridiculous, when it would have been decidedly less effort to just let them starve and dehydrate to death. That these guards, presumably having survived on minimal food and water and having seen no sunlight for three months, are then in any condition to fight Bane's mercs is the last straw. It's just too damn silly. It would've made more sense for all the cops trapped underground to die and a small, slowly-gathering group of resistance fighters who avoided getting trapped rising up to fight the mercs at the end of the movie.
Jack Pooley
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.
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