15 Most Irritating Subplots In The Dark Knight Trilogy
9. John Blake Knows Batman's Identity (The Dark Knight Rises)
The Subplot: Early on in The Dark Knight Rises, rookie cop John Blake visits Wayne Manor to talk to Bruce, and soon enough intimates that he knows his superhero identity. How? Because when Bruce visited Blake's children's home once, he had an unmistakable feigned smile that immediately turned him onto the fact that he was hiding his true self, and more specifically, that he really was Batman, as his fellow residents of the home had joked about. Why It's Irritating: Because it's an incredibly clunky way for Blake to find out that Bruce is Batman, and there surely had to be a better way to do it. It's such an awkward dialogue that most viewers struggle to completely understand it the first time they hear it, because it just sound so ridiculous and such a lame way for Bats' cover to be blown. Thankfully this subplot is at least over in just a few minutes, unlike most of these entries...
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
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