15 Most Paused Movie Moments Of 2015

3. Crossbones - Captain America: Civil War Trailer

Continuing on the subject of the briefest of brief cameos, the excellent Captain America: Civil War trailer landed towards the end of the year to an avalanche of hype that posed as many qquestions as it answered. How come Bucky could beat up Iron Man? How could Black Panther outrun an Audi? Why did you have to make us all cry, Tony? But most importantly, everyone seemed obsessed with the things that weren't in the trailer. Where was Spider-Man? Zemo? Crossbones? Martin Freeman...? Well, the last two had very brief answers as the HYDRA agent was glimpsed in the background of one shot, and Martin Freeman briefly appeared meeting Cap in Germany. It just took a pause button to see either of them properly...
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