15 Most Powerful Documentaries Of The Decade (So Far)
6. Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood And The Prison Of Belief
Another great documentary from Alex Gibney released this decade takes a look at another institution rife with controversy. While Scientology hasn't been tainted with accusations of child abuse like the Catholic Church, they've faced persistent allegations regarding psychological abuse towards its members. From forcing members to cut ties with family and friends (in a process known internally as "disconnecting"), to accounts of bullying, harassment, stalking and intimidation, Gibney's roster of former members and associates provide a litany of damning evidence against Scientology as an institution and its leader David Miscavige in particular. Perhaps most intriguing of all is the case of high profile members Tom Cruise and John Travolta - while both declined to be interviewed as a part Going Clear, the documentary leaves the impression that the organisation will do anything they can to keep them as their supporters. The idea that they hold some kind of "dirt" on these stars is hard to ignore.