15 Most Ridiculously Absurd Casting Calls Of The 21st Century

2. Angelina Jolie - Alexander (2004)

Alexander colin farrell angelina jolie
Warner Bros.

Casting great actors sometimes takes precedent over logistical things like paying actual attention to how old they are and how that might impact the story they're at the heart of. That can be the only justification Oliver Stone could have seen for casting Angelina Jolie as Queen Olympias to Colin Farrell's titular hero.

She's obviously talented enough to take the role, but the problem is that she was a grand total of two years older than Farrell when cast to play his mother. Now, people have children increasingly early and it was a different time back in Ancient Europe, but it's not exactly very likely that Olympias gave birth as a toddler.

Did It Work?

Even when the film isn't utterly unwatchable, the miscasting stands out like a sore thumb since they do very little to ever convince that there's a believable age gap between the two. Had the film been better, it might have been forgivable, but it really isn't good so it's just plain not.

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