15 Most Underrated Movies Of The Decade (So Far)

11. Star Trek Into Darkness

Star Trek Into Darkness Khan
Paramount Picture

J.J. Abrams and the rest of the Enterprise crew spent the entirety of Star Trek Into Darkness' promo run essentially repeating the same phrase over-and-over; "Benedict Cumberbatch is definitely not playing Khan." Nope, John Harrison was a totally new Trek character who would shake Kirk in totally new ways, further defining the offshoot alternate timeline as a distinct world and... yeah, nobody bought it for a second.

There's no getting around it; having a film marketed entirely on a mystery that all of those it would have an impact on had already figured out was a dumb decision, rivalled only by have that shot of Carol Marcus undressing. But, as disappointing as it was that the ever-secretive Abrams' big surprise was that he was half-remaking The Wrath Of Khan, that doesn't make Into Darkness a bad film. In fact, strip away all the contextual conceit and you have a solid blockbuster that offers a nice extension from 2009's Star Trek; it's fun, well made and the middle-act set pieces are particularly exhilarating.

The same criticisms from before can still be levelled - it's a far cry from the tone of The Original Series and the time travel device provides a convenient get-out clause - but in a series of such hit-and-miss films something that provides a new twist on classic events and clearly understands the fans (there's an unbelievable amount of in-jokes hidden where only die-hards can find them) really doesn't deserved to be so despised; Trekkies have voted Into Darkness the worst movie in the series by quite a large margin.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.