15 Movie Characters Who Look Nothing Like They Did In Real Life

5. John Dillinger - Public Enemies

Famed for the realism present in his movies, Michael Mann making a gangster movie set at the height of the Great Depression and centring on the most well known mobster of all, John Dillinger, was an enticing proposition. Public Enemies, which stars Johnny Depp as the notorious outlaw, wasn't quite up to the calibre of the director's Heat, but it was still a solid movie with an impeccable capturing of its time.

Depp's performance as Dillinger was rather overlooked, with all the usual Mann pizazz (shoot-outs, lots of shoot-outs) taking the critical focus. Which is a shame, because it was a pretty good representation of a man endlessly dissected by the press. That is, when he's not trying desperately to actually look like the bank robber.

For much of the marketing campaign and at various points of the film Depp sported the famous smirk from Dillinger's mugshot, turning a show of cockiness into a major personal tic. Whenever that look wasn't on his face, however, the resemblance disappeared.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.