15 Movie Characters Who Look Nothing Like They Did In Real Life

11. King George VI - The King's Speech

"A British monarch must overcome his speech impediment" doesn't seem like the most enticing synopsis for a movie, but with some solid casting and a script that balanced character and royal matters The King's Speech became a smash hit, dominating the Oscars and making a nice box office haul.

Central to the film's success is Colin Firth's turn as George VI, the titular King, who not only has a lifelong affliction to deal with, but the horror of being unexpectedly thrust into the role of Head of State. This film amps up the noticeability of his speech impediment at points (the actual speech doesn't have as protracted gaps), but despite that his development all feels very internal. Firth really gets the voice down (who knew he could do posh), but where he's weaker is the look; the resemblance to the real Bertie is fleeting.

Helena Bonham Carter and Geoffrey Rush aren't dead ringers for the Queen Mother and Lionel Logue respectively, but they cut it closer than Firth.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.