15 Movie Moments That Made Your Testicles Wither

7. Snake Fight - Jackass Number Two

You can pick just about any of the Jackass films for a decent shot of damage being done to the male genitalia, but one of the opening scenes in Jackass Number Two takes the cake for pure wince factor. In the bit, Chris Pontius has placed a sock over his manhood and inserted it in a hole that leads to a small reptile aquarium - inside of which is a snake. To make things more fun, the sock is dressed to look like a mouse. Johnny Knoxville puppeteers the Pontius puppet, teasing the snake via a string tethered to the tip. What happens next is exactly what you hope (and fear) will happen. The snake clamps down on the tip and won't let go. It's hard to know whether to laugh or cry at the sight of this - most will probably do both.

My name is Alejandro. I answer to Alex, Al the pal, Uncle and various other pet names. I was born and raised in Los Angeles and currently live in San Diego, Ca. Being a native Southern Californian, I have been spoiled by good weather, beautiful women , celebrity sightings and diverse culture. I have a season pass to Disneyland and despite this, I still consider it to be the happiest place on earth. I am an avid film geek and gamer. There are many reports of expletives omitting from beyond my bedroom door during marathon sessions of Call Of Duty. I spend a lot of my free time writing, playing/producing music and playing bass in a 90's cover band called The Big Lewinsky (www.facebook.com/thebiglewinskyband). I also enjoy iphone-ography with my 4- in-1 Ollo clip and gorilla tripod along with the countless apps available for photo editing. My favorite films of all-time (currently) are The Godfather, The Shawshank Redemption, The Exorcist and anything by Stanley Kubrick, except Barry Lyndon...and maybe Lolita.