15 Movie Moments That Pissed Off Fans Most In 2017

13. The Sloppy CGI-Fuelled Final Battle - Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman Gal Gadot
Warner Bros.

The first two acts of Wonder Woman did a fantastic job of investing the audience in Diana (Gal Gadot) as both a character and a bada** killing machine, though the tonal finesse and stylistic aplomb of the first two-thirds was jettisoned in the underwhelming final standoff against Ares (David Thewlis).

Here the movie devolved into the usual blurry, ugly, weightless CGI-laced shenanigans the DCEU has become notorious for, with goofy, garish effects taking precedent over character, while the terrible decision to have Thewlis' face visible within the Ares suit made it difficult to take him seriously as a credible threat.

If there's any recent superhero movie that would've benefited from a short, sweet final battle against a mostly practical enemy, it's Wonder Woman, but because the DCEU is obsessed with digital bombast, this was a poison pill fans just had to swallow.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.