15 Movie Sets You Didn't Know Were Hell To Work On

12. Blade: Trinity

Why It Was Hell: Wesley Snipes seems to be the sole cause of this film's hectic production, clashing with writer-director David S. Goyer (who he didn't want to direct the film), to the point that, according to co-star Patton Oswalt, he'd spend all day smoking weed in his trailer, causing Goyer to employ the use of stand-ins and CGI to keep Blade in the film. Snipes also reportedly physically accosted Goyer, resulting in the director hiring a group of local bikers as bodyguards to keep Snipes in line. The atmosphere was so toxic on set that Snipes ultimately used both his assistant and post-it notes to communicate with Goyer and the rest of the cast, rather than talk to them (notes which he would sign as "from Blade"). As Oswalt put it himself, "He wouldn€™t come out of his trailer...which is fine with me, because I had all these DVDs that I wanted to catch up on." Was It Worth It?: Not really. The third film was both the lowest-grossing and by far the worst-reviewed of the series, pretty much killing the franchise overnight. So, while many attest that the more fun you have on a movie set the worse the film is, it doesn't necessary work the other way around. Still, at least Oswalt got to clear part of his DVD backlog, so it's not all bad...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.