15 Movies From This Decade (So Far) Destined To Become Classics

2. Inside Out

Pxxar's enduring popularity has always rested on their ability to entertain young and old alike - the bright visuals and charming, identifiable characters appealing to the little ones, while the sharp script and knowing nods to more adult themes keep the parents just as entertained. Inside Out is perhaps the most adult-friendly Pixar movie yet, weaving in psychological concepts which are probably advanced for some grown up viewers and rendering them in an understandable and - more importantly - entertaining way. Seeing the trials and tribulations of a young girl, struggling with being moved away to live in San Francisco, through the eyes of her personality traits - Joy, Sadness, Fear and so on - creates a literal emotional depth never before seen in a children's animated movie. Animated Hollywood movies almost never strive for this level of character depth, never mind being brave enough to tackle the importance of sorrow and reflection as part of a child's journey towards adulthood. It's unlikely a film as powerful and entertaining as Inside Out will be with us any time soon.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.