15 Movies That Say More About Their Makers Than They Realise
Look closer.
No worthwhile work of art or piece of entertainment has ever been created without at least part of its creator being reflected in it. Most of the time, these preferences and idiosyncrasies are easy to identify and don't say anything particularly profound about the associated authors, of course: Michael Bay has a predilection towards bombastic explosions and shooting his female cast members like porn stars, so clearly he's a misogynistic jock asshole who couldn't define the word 'subtle' if you handed him an Oxford dictionary - he'd probably just tear the dictionary apart and reboot it with a needlessly dark backstory. The same goes for Spielberg and his tendency to exhibit broken families in his work - we all know the director's home life wasn't always a box of roses. But what about the films that require a little more digging beneath the surface for us to better understand the psyches of the people who made them, or the messages tucked away in a director's earlier work that have startling, sometimes uncomfortable implications in light of recent real-world events? The following is a list of films and the people who made them, all of which that shed a little more light on their characters than perhaps even they know themselves...