10. Welcome To The Dollhouse
This movie brings your friend back to his childhood, so his clouded perception of thingsand love of pointing out problems without considering solutions of any kind (like any good scholar)is even more biased, and personal, every time he watches it. And you being there just gives him more room to vent. "This is suburbia at its best," he scowls disdainfully. "Misery, misery, misery. Miserable homes and miserable school; there's no compassion and everyone just works against each other." "I dunno," you pointed out, "I still have hope." "Why? Look how sad Dawn is at the end! The movie almost never lets up!" "It's just pointing out bad things for people to think about." "But NO ONE thinks about it! They accept it." "We don't. The critics didn't. And there are movies and stories constantly being written and put out there causing people to think more and more about things like this." "Yeah, but come on. These problems are part of the very structure of our society and humanity; we constantly have to teach each other not to be oppressive and wonder why it keeps happening." Rather than letting yet another conversation spiral any further into madness, you opted to instead name-drop The Sandlot which in turn got your friend very excited and nostalgic and erased all memory of this movie for him until next time.