15 Movies You Wrongly Assume Are Terrible

13. Transformers: Dark Of The Moon

What Everyone Says About It: "Anything that follows Revenge of the Fallen has to be pretty terrible, because brainless action franchises of this sort rarely improve with age, right? There's not even any Megan Fox in it for some easy eye candy, it wastes brilliant actors like Frances McDormand and John Malkovich, and simply doesn't provide much of a rhyme or reason for its own existence beyond box office dollars." Why It Isn't Terrible: To Michael Bay's credit, Dark of the Moon is an unexpectedly ambitious movie, featuring easily the most provocative plot of any Transformers film, given how it ties into the real-world Space Race. It also tones down the juvenile humour from the last movie in particular, and those horrendously racist robot caricatures Mudflap and Skids are thankfully only briefly visible. In addition, Dark of the Moon sees Bay at the height of his powers, serving up the most impressive action sequence of his career: that Battle of Chicago. The whole shebang lasts close to an hour and certainly ensures that audiences get their money's worth in terms of destruction porn, even if the film is undeniably lacking in other areas. It's easy to say "all the films are terrible", but the first and third films are both pretty damn solid. Perhaps this is a sign: all odd-numbered Transformers movies don't totally suck.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.