15 Near Miss Villain Castings That Would Suck More Than Eisenberg's Luthor

13. OJ Simpson - The Terminator (The Terminator)

Though it's difficult to believe now, the Terminator role was not always carved out for Arnold Schwarzenegger. James Cameron had strongly considered Lance Henriksen (who would end up playing Hal, one of the movie's detectives who is shot by the Terminator), and most hilariously, O.J. Simpson, who the studio has recommended for the part. Cameron's reply? He didn't believe that anyone would believe such a likeable sports star as a cold-blooded, ruthless killer. Oh, how times change. We're all aware of Simpson's subsequent legal troubles, from his murder trial to his imprisonment for an armed robbery in 2007, and all this would have done is simply tarnish the legacy of Cameron's brilliant movie. We presumably would still have gotten a second Terminator film, but it's difficult to see how things could really have progressed from there after Simpson's lengthy legal proceedings through the mid-1990s. Furthermore, with public opinion turning on Simpson despite his innocent verdict, the movies would just seem in bad taste now.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.