15 Potential Plot Twists That Could Ruin Upcoming Movies

14. Jyn Erso Is Rey's Mother - Star Wars: Rogue One

Star Wars Rey Jyn Erso.jpg

The Twist: Either through a direct pregnancy or a hint during the movie, it's made clear that Jyn Erso is in fact Rey's mother.

Why It Could Ruin The Movie: The Force Awakens threatened to take the "everyone is related to everyone else" plotting to absurd levels but just about stopped short of it by not making Luke Rey's dad. 

Drawing more familial lines between disparate characters committing acts of major consequence just reeks of something you'd see in a crappy fan fiction. It's a sentimental crutch, and though a lot of fans would go for it, it's just pretty lazy really.

How Likely Is It?: On one hand, Felicity Jones and Daisy Ridley both look and sound fairly alike, but on the other, Ridley herself said in all seriousness, "Just because she’s white and got brown hair…it doesn’t mean she’s my mom." 

Granted, Ridley is pretty much duty-bound to deny it, but even so, in a movie sure to be packed with fan service elements, this would be too on-the-nose. 3/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.