15 Predictions For 2017 Movies That Everybody Got Wrong

12. Bruce Wayne Makes A Cameo Appearance - Wonder Woman

Batman V Superman Bruce Wayne Barry Allen
Warner Bros.

The Prediction: With Wonder Woman's trailer revealing the film to feature a frame narrative where Diana is explaining her story to someone, and Gal Gadot being spotted on-set surrounded by Wayne Enterprises vehicles, it seemed like Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne was most certainly set to have a cameo appearance at the end of the film.

After all, with a solo Wonder Woman movie being as "risky" as studios seem to think it is, why not throw Batman in the mix for good measure?

The Reality: Affleck isn't in the film for even a second, though Bruce Wayne is responsible for sending Diana the iconic WWI picture, and she does write to him at the very end of the movie.

Still, it was a relief to see Warner Bros. put their cynicism aside and just tell a simple superhero story without trying to shoehorn more popular characters into the mix as "added value".


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.