15 Predictions For 2017 Movies That Everybody Got Wrong
12. Bruce Wayne Makes A Cameo Appearance - Wonder Woman
The Prediction: With Wonder Woman's trailer revealing the film to feature a frame narrative where Diana is explaining her story to someone, and Gal Gadot being spotted on-set surrounded by Wayne Enterprises vehicles, it seemed like Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne was most certainly set to have a cameo appearance at the end of the film.
After all, with a solo Wonder Woman movie being as "risky" as studios seem to think it is, why not throw Batman in the mix for good measure?
The Reality: Affleck isn't in the film for even a second, though Bruce Wayne is responsible for sending Diana the iconic WWI picture, and she does write to him at the very end of the movie.
Still, it was a relief to see Warner Bros. put their cynicism aside and just tell a simple superhero story without trying to shoehorn more popular characters into the mix as "added value".