15 Radical Superheroes To Diversify The MCU

13. She-Hulk

Ghost Rider
Marvel Comics

Bruce Banner’s less angsty cousin, superstar lawyer Jennifer Walters, got her Hulk on after a blood transfusion from the original.

Retaining her intelligence and personality but gaining self-confidence and assertiveness alongside the size and strength, She-Hulk would often stay in hulked-out form for extended periods - in fact, for a long time she was unable to transform back to her human form and continued to practice law as a seven-foot tall green Amazon.

Part of the reason the She-Hulk has stuck around for so long is the inherent positivity of the character. Although she’s had her fair share of trouble (well, this is a Marvel character we’re talking about), Jen found being a Hulk to be an empowering experience, and one that, by and large, enriched her life.

Unapologetically sexually adventurous, courageous and possessed of a highly moral character, devoted to defending the rights of the downtrodden and oppressed in court and out: the She-Hulk is a world away from her savage, tragic cousin.

Writer Peter David, the man single-handedly responsible for restoring the Hulk’s standing with Marvel in the 1980s after sales had plummeted, believes that Jen Walters always had the potential to be Marvel’s equivalent of Wonder Woman.

Perhaps Marvel Studios could succeed with the character where Marvel Comics had chickened out...


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.