15 Reasons Tim Burton’s Batman Is Better Than Chris Nolan’s The Dark Knight

5. Bale vs Keaton

Christian Bale was OK as Bruce Wayne and rubbish as Batman. He got the complex nature of Bruce Wayne's personality right and you got a real sense that the man had issues. But as Batman, he sucked. The suit didn't help and neither did Bale's bat voice but the script as well as the directing have to take their fair share of the blame. He just didn't have the awe factor when he was on screen as Batman, the only time he came close was in TDK when he took out the gang in the underground garage. Keaton may not have the Bruce Wayne look but he oozed charisma by the bucket loads and that is what made you love him. Bale was cold and unlikeable which is a problem when you are playing the protagonist in a movie. Keaton played Wayne as an oddball, almost autistic in nature but charming never the less. This can be seen by the way he is introduced in the party scene at Wayne manor and he says ''I'm Not sure'' when Vicki Vale asks him if he's seen Bruce Wayne anywhere. And the bumbling way he suggests opening six champagne boxes and the whole ''give Knox a grand.'' He was down to earth, it may not be the Bruce Wayne from the comics but you root for him far more than you ever do for Bale in his three films. And it is really no contest when it comes down to who was better as Batman. Where you giggled every time Bale opened his mouth or displayed his Matrix style, kung-fu moves, Keaton had the voice, the grace and the twisted personality down to a tee. Keaton is still the benchmark for portraying Bruce Wayne and Batman on film.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.