15 Stupid Mistakes That Somehow Made It Into 2017 Movies

10. A Poem Out Of Time - Beauty & The Beast

Beauty And The Beast Emma Watson Dan Stevens

About half-way through Disney's live-action Beauty and the Beast adaptation, Belle (Emma Watson) is strolling through the icy grounds of Beast's (Dan Stevens) castle reading poetry to him, when she recites the following lines, "Each branch, each twig, each blade of grass, Seems clad miraculously with glass."

Though to all but the most conscientious literature student this would probably pass muster, it's actually a line from William Sharp's poem "A Crystal Forest", which wasn't published until the late 1800s.

It meanwhile doesn't take a history expert to figure out that Beauty and the Beast is set in the mid-1700s, with the original novel being published in 1740 and all of the film's technology and architecture proving consistent with that period. Quite how Belle got a hold of Sharp's poem over 50 years before he was even born is, frankly, the most ridiculous aspect of the entire film.

In all seriousness, though, someone on the production end clearly didn't do their homework, or figured only disgruntled lit professors would actually give a toss. Still, pretty careless.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.