15 Stupid Mistakes That Somehow Made It Into 2017 Movies

8. Gerard Butler's Time-Travelling Powers - Geostorm

Geostorm Gerard Butler
Warner Bros.

In the third act of this ludicrous disaster epic, satellite designer Jake Lawson (Gerard Butler) realises that he needs to don a spacesuit and head out into space in order to prevent the Geostorm from taking place.

As Lawson prepares to suit up, a handy "Countdown to Geostorm" timer indicates just 2 minutes and 55 seconds remaining, and after Lawson puts on the spacesuit, hurtles through a hallway, fails to input a code, meets up with the ship's commander and we cut back to NASA HQ back on Earth, the timer then reads 1 minute and 40 seconds.

So, we're supposed to believe that in the span of just 45 seconds, Lawson did all that? Considering that it would take even a seasoned astronaut several minutes to put on the suit and get ready to enter space, let alone anything else, it's pretty far-fetched.

Sure, it's a time-honoured tradition that dumb disaster movies don't exactly adhere to logic where countdown timers are concerned, yet this was careless to the point that it verged on self-parody (much like the rest of the movie, in honesty).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.