15 Supporting Comic Book Movie Characters Who Stole The Show

12. Alfred

Hit Girl Kick Ass
Warner Bros. Pictures

You could tell Michael Caine was going to be spot on casting the moment it was announced he was going to slip into the polished loafers of Alfred Pennyworth, servant and muse to Bruce Wayne. But nobody could have guessed just how much of a big part he was to play in director Christopher Nolan’s trilogy.

Be it showing sturdy support in Batman Begins, providing the trilogy’s best line in The Dark Knight – ‘some men just want to watch the world burn’ – all the way to turning his back on the bat’s antics in The Dark Knight Rises to devastating effect, this version of Alfred stands out in a trilogy full that is full of big personalities and performances.


Shaun is a former contributor for a number of Future Publishing titles and more recently worked as a staffer at Imagine Publishing. He can now be found banking in the daytime and writing a variety of articles for What Culture, namely around his favourite topics of film, retro gaming, music, TV and, when he's feeling clever, literature.