15 Terrible Looking 2016 Movies That Will Shockingly Make A Profit

11. Kidnap

Ghostbusters 2016.jpg
Relativity Media

The Premise: A mother (Halle Berry) will go to any lengths to rescue her kidnapped son. 

Why It Looks Awful: It's basically Taken... with a female lead. Also, it comes from a first-time writer, doesn't feature any other actors worth mentioning, and is part of Relativity Media's last-ditch effort to survive after declaring bankruptcy last year. 

So expect it to be super-safe, super-cynical and super-generic for a lowest-common denominator audience.

Why It'll Make A Profit: Because the Taken movies made a ton of money for one, and secondly, because Berry's last similarly-themed thriller, 2013's The Call, made five-times its budget worldwide. 

Berry may be struggling to find good work outside of the X-Men franchise, but in terms of box office, she's still doing just fine.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.