15 Terrible Mistakes That Almost Ruined James Bond For Everyone

4. Bond's Clown Disguise (Octopussy)

If Sean Connery's Japanese disguise was embarrassing enough, this was taken one step goofier (if nowhere near as offensive) in Octopussy, as Roger Moore's Bond disguises himself as a clown to avoid detection by the West German police and follow up on the lead of 009, who dies at the start of the movie while dressed in the same get-up. Complete with a painted face, red mop of hair, hat with a flower protruding, comically oversized polka dot bow-tie and garish yellow-red suit, Bond has never looked more ridiculous. To director John Glen's credit, he does manage to wring an unfathomable amount of suspense out of Bond's quest to stop the bomb from detonating, considering that, if somebody happened to walk in on this sequence unawares, they'd probably have no idea they were watching a James Bond film. For all of the goofy affectations the series suffers from, none of them (not even the trip to space) were quite as headache-inducingly bad as this.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.