15 Terrible Mistakes That Almost Ruined James Bond For Everyone

13. Margaret Thatcher "Cameo" (For Your Eyes Only)

At the end of For Your Eyes Only, Margaret Thatcher receives a phone call from MI6 (at which point Maggie is cooking and says, "I'll get it, Dennis"), patching her through to Bond, who she profusely thanks for completing his mission. However, on the other end, Melina Havelock's parrot simply replies back, "Thank you, thank you", causing Thatcher to further rabbit on, while Dennis tries to sneak a handful of grapes (which Maggie slaps away). Eventually the parrot says "Give us a kiss, give us a kiss!", causing her to blush (still believing that she's talking to Bond), at which point the call is terminated and the parrot drops Bond's watch-phone in the water. Though the scene came several years ahead of Thatcher's controversial defiance of the miners' strike, it's still a bizarre, awkward cultural artifact to shove into a James Bond film. Whatever the political affiliation of the Head of Government is at any given time, throwing an impersonation of them into a Bond movie is going to anger someone, even if the depiction here was more tongue-in-cheek than worshipful. Still, it's a low point for the series, even for the Roger Moore years.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.