15 Things That Almost Completely Changed The End Of Harry Potter

7. Harry Became Headmaster

Harry Potter Headmasters Portraits
Warner Bros.

What Happened

In the books, we get no sense of the end of Harry's life. We subsequently did get a glimpse of it in The Cursed Child (though not everyone treats that as canonical). So we get to just fill in the gaps ourselves, imagining Harry living out many glorious years as an Auror, fighting magical scallywags and generally living the life of a swash-buckling hero.

What Could Have Been

According to Greg Palast's alternate ending, the epilogue would have also featured a look at the year 2130, in which an 150-year-old Harry Potter - now the headmaster of Hogwarts and bald with a stringy white beard was coming to the end of his life.

He looks out over the grounds of the school, watching picknickers enjoy the sun on his birthday as he thinks back to when "every wizard excepting Harry and the shade of Albus, were cleansed of all memory of the Dark Lord." His frozen form (with his ghost parents) was considered just a statue, and nobody remembered the true story.

None of this is the weirdest thing about this suggested ending...

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